Why Dentists at 32 Pearls are best?

Whenever people hear the word “dentist” fear strikes their mind. It is mainly because either they’ve experienced or heard of traumatic experiences. Nowadays people are comparatively more aware about dental treatments but are still afraid to go to a dentist.

The truth is that this delay in going to a dentist on a regular basis leads to a load of dental problems. Dental pain is one of the most intense pain that a human can experience. This traumatic experience can discourage the patient from going to a dentist.

Here, at 32 pearls, we give our patients the comfort and satisfaction required to motivate the patient to visit us regularly. 32 pearls provides the patient with dentists who are specialists and masters in their own field varying from simple to very complex procedures.

At 32 pearls, we believe that best treatments begin with identifying the root cause of patient’s dental problems. We provide all world class treatments in the field of dentistry. 32 pearls never compromises on treatment quality, patient comfort, imported equipment and use of standard materials.

At 32 pearls, we use state-of-the-art diagnostic technology and have qualified diagnosticians to accurately diagnose your problems and needs. Our multi-speciality team of dentists comprises of super-specialist dentists like Implantologist, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Pedodontist, Orthodontist, Prosthodontics, Endodontist, Periodontist, etc.

For a patient to achieve maximum success and to get maximum comfort, Treatment planning is an important phase. Our team of specialists carefully study each case and make a treatment plan keeping in mind the comfort of the patient.

All treatments at 32 pearls are carried out by only specialists in that respective field of treatment only. Dentists at 32 pearls implement the use of best pain management technology in order to facilitate comfort of patient and to ensure all treatments are painless.

Technology at 32 pearls is under constant upgradation. Our team at 32 pearls is up-to-date with present technology. Individualized training is done for each specialist dentist. At 32 pearls, we conduct regular workshops to maintain the standard of care for patients and use of latest and advanced techniques used in dentistry.

All Patients are invited to come and experience treatments provided at 32 pearls, to erase past traumatic experiences and get motivated to maintain oral health.

If you are looking for child dentist near me, one of best paediatric dentist in Ahmedabad is 32 pearls. We have a modern facilities paediatric dental clinic that is easy to reach. 32 Pearls Dental Clinic offers best service of teeth whitening in Ahmedabad, Dr. Jaimin Patel is the leading cosmetic dentist.

Dr. Jaimin has experience creating numerous effective digital smiles for smile makeovers. Our dental clinic is one of the service provider of teeth cleaning in Ahmedabad. Since the past 14 years we have been working as the best and the only centre offering removable partial denture in Ahmadabad. We offer ultra-modern state of the art techniques for your teeth alignment and beautification.

If you are looking for economical root canal treatment cost in India, then you must be sure to rely on a professional to help you if you want to have the greatest root canal treatment in India. Along with these 32 pearls also offers all other types of treatments such as most affordable dental implant cost in India, aligners for invisalign India and offer you high quality and assistance by the country’s best dentist in India.

Our dental clinic is providing most frequent treatment with affordable teeth whitening cost in India. We use an effective technique to enhance the appearance of your smile is to whiten your teeth.

32 Pearls is one of India’s most well-liked destinations for dental tourism in India, offering excellent care at remarkably reasonable costs as well as a terrific opportunity to visit to a colourful and culturally rich country.

A Complete Smile Makeover Procedure At 32Pearls Dental Clinics

Over the past decade, we have seen a dramatic increase in cosmetic dentistry procedures, and thanks to advances in technology, we are able to improve our teeth and smiles with quick, painless, and surprisingly affordable treatments. From subtle changes to major repairs, we provide a comprehensive smile makeover to improve the health and overall appearance of your teeth and smile.

Smile Makeover Solutions

A smile makeover is a process of improving the appearance of a smile through one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures. 32 PEARLS Dental Clinics specializes in the following treatments:

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Dental Implants
  • Invisalign
  • Dental Bonding
  • Tooth-Colored Fillings
  • Inlays and Onlays
  • Crowns and Bridges
Smile makeover

From general dentistry and hygiene to a full smile makeover – we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams!

Invisalign Smile Makeovers

Invisalign works to discreetly straighten teeth through a series of aligners made out of a smooth, comfortable BPA-free plastic that is both safe and effective.

How Does Invisalign Work?

The Invisalign system is a simple and virtually foolproof way to straighten your teeth without the features of traditional metal braces, the brackets, and wires that are notorious for poking cheeks and gums, making for an uncomfortable braces experience. As said above, Invisalign is made from a comfortable plastic that slowly shifts your teeth into their proper position. Approximately every two weeks, your aligners will be swapped out for a new set that will bring your teeth one step closer to a straight smile. This process continues until all the aligner sets have been completed and voila, a straighter, healthier smile will have been reborn.

Benefits of Invisalign

The majority of our patients that have looked or are looking for a straighter smile tend to choose Invisalign over metal braces, and for good reason. The many benefits of Invisalign include:

Shorter Treatment Time

Treatment with Invisalign is typically faster than traditional metal braces. While metal braces can take up to several years to completely straighten teeth, Invisalign takes only 12 to 18 months for treatment to complete.

Customized Aligners

Invisalign aligners are custom-crafted from 3D technology to perfectly fit the patient’s mouth for a comfortable smile that straightens your teeth unnoticeably.


Invisalign aligners can be removed at any time for eating, drinking, flossing, or brushing. This way our patients can maintain proper oral hygiene without the obstruction of traditional metal brackets and wires.


In many cases, depending on the dental insurance provider, the cost of Invisalign is comparable to that of traditional metal braces.


Invisalign aligners are made from a clear, smooth, comfortable BPA-free plastic that is virtually invisible to the naked eye so most people won’t even know you have “braces”.


Since Invisalign is made out of smooth, comfortable plastic, gone are the days of harsh metal brackets and wires poking at your cheeks and gums, even causing them to get cut up. With the smooth plastic of Invisalign, you can smile comfortably with your dream smile en route.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Do you have unsightly chips, cracks, or gaps in your teeth? We offer an affordable cosmetic dental treatment that proves to be effective and budget-friendly. It is also safe to combine with other treatments so you can have the ultimate smile makeover in Ahmedabad.

The Dental Bonding Process

The major plus that most of our patients appreciate about dental bonding is that the dental bonding process can be completed in just one office visit. It is a fast and effective way to enhance your smile without tightening your budget. We will have a one-on-one consultation with you to better understand your past and current oral health.

Once it is determined that dental bonding would be a good solution for your cosmetic oral needs, then we apply a special conditioning liquid on the tooth or teeth that will receive the dental bonding. Next, will apply a tooth-colored resin onto the tooth or teeth and then sculpt it into the desired shape. The final step involves hardening the resin with a special light and then polishing it to a realistic shine that closely matches the rest of your smile. Dental bonding is particularly effective in concealing chips or cracks. However, the dental bonding treatment doesn’t last as long as porcelain veneers.